Ask the internet anything! The is a crowdsourced question/answer platform. Ask your question anonymously and receive the most helpful reply from other users. It's like a Magic 8 Ball, but with real people giving the advice.
The is intended for users 13 years of age and older for entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to be a place for serious or life changing questions. Content is moderated, but please don't take anything personally. It's only for fun!
Users can ask and answer questions on any subject from anywhere! Connect to the from here on the web, Alexa devices, Android and iOS!
2021 Dustin Runnells
Do you have a question you'd like the internet's opinion on? You've come to the right place! The is a crowdsourced question/answer platform. Ask your question anonymously and receive the most helpful reply from other users. The is also in need of your help! Lend a hand by reviewing questions submitted by users and providing your valuable feedback.
The website is not designed for screens of your size. Try the mobile app!
I understand but still want to go to the desktop site